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Dark Souls 3 Mage Knight Build: A Balanced and Versatile Class for Any Situation


However, due to many skilled players and knowledgable Dark Souls 3 veterans combing this incredible game for over 5 years, many awesome mage builds have emerged that any and all can take advantage of for a playthrough heavy in spellcasting.

Intelligence and Strength usually encompass opposing tactics, however, these stats can be married in a build designed for a hyper offense. Youtuber Crozyn assembled a Battlemage build in 2018 that utilizes the mid-range sorceries to deal magic damage and pressure opponents while having a Greataxe equipped for close-range devastation.

Dark Souls 3 Mage Knight Build

Since this Dark Souls 3 mage build comes with a solid melee weapon, implementing sorceries ideal for close-range is a no-brainer for most who would use this tactic. Homing Crystal Soulmass works very well here as it will always give the enemy something to worry about when they enter melee range, as avoiding both a Greataxe and the swift orbs of magic can be difficult. Ironically, going up against another Intelligence build can be tough for players as it is possible to get out-ranged due to spell choice.

Renowned for being one of the only DS3 greatswords meant for Intelligence builds, the Moonlight Greatsword is understandably an awesome choice for mages, as it possesses great stats that give spellcasters a solid melee weapon. Combining the usage of this legendary blade with reliable sorceries is a top-tier combo that any aspiring Intelligence build can take advantage of.

Magic spells are not the only type available to Intelligence builds, as the mighty dark spells proliferate the game and offer an alternative to the regular spellcasting tactics.Youtuber Games 4 Days assembled this dark sorcery-oriented build in 2017 that works well with the powerful and intimidating Crucifix of the Mad King.

Players should use similar tactics for this dark DS3 mage build as they would for the Battlemage build, in that both should use spells for short and mid-range that complement the heavy weapon in their main hand. The unpredictability of the Crucifix of the Mad King can be a boon at times by keeping the enemy on their toes and under constant stress, however, not being able to reliably call upon one of its three possible skills can cause one to take unnecessary risks, which foes can use against a player.

Pestilent Mist (formerly called Pestilent Mercury) is a sorcery that deals constant damage to any target within the cloud of haze that is expelled after casting, including the player who called it forth. It inflicts damage proportionate to a target's max HP, meaning that bosses and other tough foes are especially susceptible to it, making this spell an ideal way to cheese adversaries. Since it only requires 30 Intelligence to use, many Intelligence builds, especially early-game ones, can make great use of this after acquiring the spell from Orbeck of Vinheim.

Those desiring to deal both fire and magic damage with their build should seek out the Immolation Tinder dropped by the fire witches at Irithyll of the Boreal Valley. This halberd possesses physical and fire attack as well as A-tier Intelligence scaling when fully upgraded, meaning that the excellent reach of this polearm will deal sufficient damage while also being capable of out-spacing many foes. Furthermore, it can be used as a sorcery catalyst (though not for pyromancies), which lets its wielder use melee attacks and cast spells very fluidly.

While one will be able to out-space melee attackers, those who get too close can annihilate this build if one does not set up a decent countermeasure, as the handle portions of polearms deal pathetic damage compared to the head of the weapon, and the relatively slow attack speed will mean players will have their attacks interrupted frequently. However, an easy counter to this issue is to have Homing Soulmass or Crystal Homing Soulmass active as much as possible to deter enemies from getting too close.

For players seeking even more firepower, this chaotic mage build made by Youtuber xGodsChosenOnex in 2020 may be worth checking out. Combining the use of powerful pyromancies and lightning-based miracles is an excellent two-pronged offensive for spellcasters, as few foes can defend themselves from both types of damage effectively. Backing the spells up with the Demon's Scar (to cast pyromancies as well as for melee attacks) and an infused Great Machete will complete this deadly build.

As is common with hyper-offensive Dark Souls 3 Intelligence builds, dealing with incoming damage can be a concern. This is due to the lack of effort placed into wearing decent armor in order to excel at casting both pyromancies and miracles with high Intelligence and Faith. As such, defensive buffs like Sacred Oath that increase one's damage absorption, as well as grant other boons, can be handy with this build.

With both powerful fire and lightning damage at one's disposal, players using this build should be able to unleash solid damage against almost any kind of foe. There are few enemies in the main game that resist both fire and lighting, so the odds of having a favorable match-up against common threats and bosses alike will be high.

Seeing anyone running around with a Fume Ultra Greatsword coated in jagged blue crystals (the Crystal Magic Weapon spell) is sure to give any player pause, as the sheer amount of damage such a behemoth of a blade can unleash is impressive. Youtuber Blood Turned Coffee put together this intimidating Intelligence build in 2016 for those who want a solid one that utilizes Strength and Intelligence.

It is ideal to use this build in a manner very similar to a regular melee build, as the greatest way to deal damage is to utilize the buffed Fume Ultra Greatsword. It is recommended to have a fast parrying tool in one's offhand when the player does not need to apply the Crystal Magic Weapon buff, as getting a riposte with this huge mass of magical iron has a decent chance of taking out foes who have low Vigor or have already been injured.

The greatest challenge when using this build is knowing when to use which weapon and how, as all three listed for this elemental DS3 mage build have unique and versatile movesets. The best thing to do is gauge what the opponent is up to before committing to any attack. For beefier warrior foes, stick to primarily applying frost, though, enemies that favor casting will need to be hunted down with the Storm Curved Greatsword if they insist on constantly fleeing.

For overwhelming magical power at the cost of sacrificing every bit of defense, players can put together a one-shot build to become the deadliest of the glass cannons. The Youtuber Mood Master came up with this mighty mage tactic in 2017 that uses a colossal 99 Intelligence stat for overkill sorceries.

This immensely powerful mage build is a one-trick pony that relies on blasting enemies with a supercharged Crystal Soul Spear. It is not advised to try this build with heftier sorceries like White Dragon Breath and Soul Stream as they take too long to cast and can be dodged easier. Players seeking success should play evasively to lure enemies into situations where they can't avoid a spell, otherwise, the caster will meet a quick end due to having very little HP and defense.

It's one of the most straightforward classes in the game; wield a big sword, and wear shiny armor. For some, it's even the most well-dressed out of all the starting classes, which is probably why it gets picked a lot. Thankfully, many good things can come from playing as a knight in Dark Souls 3, and one can expand upon their knightly ventures by looking into the strongest knight builds in the game.

Now that Elden Ring is out, some newcomers might be intimidated by the general atmosphere of the game and how punishing it can be. That's why getting acquainted with the mechanics via Dark Souls 3 is a good plan. Of course, you'll also want to follow some easy template and that's where Dark Souls 3 Knight build comes in. Here are more of the best knight build in Dark Souls 3.

Who needs all those fancy miracles and spells when a hammer to the enemy's skull will do all the work? That's what the pure strength build is all about. This knight wields a huge hammer and nothing else except the rings and armor that allows him to avoid fat rolling, preferably the Millwood Knight set.

The Quality build balances out Strength and Dexterity stats to produce the ultimate versatile melee build that can wield most melee weapons and benefit from them. This idea extends to this knight-themed build. Playstyle is also simple, just buff the Astora Greatsword with the Carthus Flame Arc then have at the enemy.

The Trigod is another simple yet effective hybrid build that utilizes a bit of everything. Moderate point distribution allows it to wield some dark horse weapons such as the Lothric Knight Sword and Black Knight Sword while still having some spells.

Focusing on strength, this build crushes opponents with devastating swings that are buffed by Carthus Flame Arc. If swinging a flaming sword wasn't cool enough, what about turning enemies against each other? It's odd that Rapport is a pyromancy, but this spell will allow you to turn most targets into an ally for a short time, giving you breathing room or the opportunity to deal some serious damage. If you want a ranged option, consider replacing Rapport with Black Fire Orb to deal some solid damage from safety.

Using four different weapon buffs seems excessive, but every enemy in Dark Souls 3 has unique strengths and weaknesses. Knowing the enemies you're facing is paramount for this build, allowing you to swap your buff on the fly to deal optimal damage. This applies to both PvE and PvP. Regardless of who you're facing, always be sure to have a spell buff active to deal as much damage as possible. 2ff7e9595c


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